Friday, February 10, 2017

Be a Guest Slate on The Stuph File

The following is mostly about me.
But it's about you too.
But first I need to tell you about Peter.. again..

The Stuph File Program hosted by Peter Anthony Holder which I've featured here before, and is one of my top 5 favorites found in the Part15LAB collection:
'Verified for Part 15 Use'.
This hour long program is top rate, professional, thoroughly entertaining, and all in all interesting variety presentation.
It consist of several odd-but-true newscast, interviews with featured guests, brief retro theme clips scattered about, idiots of the day, a few psa's, and other miscellaneous content.
Most any audience would enjoy this show.
Peter Anthony Holder has from 1979 until the present day, been involved with AM, FM, and TV stations, held positions as show producer, director, music programmer, announcer, magazine and freelance writer, commercial copywriter, interviewer, newsreader, researcher, Major League Baseball Scorer for USA TODAY and Associated Press, tv reporter and tv host.

I was delighted to receive an invitation to be a guest slate on episode #0390:

I am assuming you’ve heard the show a couple of times, so you may know that each one starts off with a short guest slater giving the number of each episode.  I was wondering if you would like to do a guest slate for the show.


Naturally I accepted, and also asked if he'd like for me to post in the forums inviting others to do the same:

Here's the script . . . . . .

“Hello I’m Richard Powers
This is #0390
The Stuph File Program
With Peter Anthony Holder
And it comes to you right now.”

The number is said as, “number zero three nine zero"
You can email it to me as an audio file.  In your email you can also add any links you want me to place on the website and also a short blurb of what you want me to say about who you are and what you do.
As for others offering to do slates, yes I am open to that.  Please have them send me an email with the subject line being “Possible Stuph File Guest Slater” and I will follow through with similar instructions to them with the script and how to go about getting the slate to me.

Peter Anthony Holder
Host: The Stuph File Program

Imagine that, for a brief moment I'm going to be a nationwide announcer!
Ok, perhaps I'm overelaborating a bit, but it's not an inaccurate statement..

But there's a big problem, I'm currently in the middle of a move and everything in a storage garage. So off I go and try to see if I can dig out the trusty usb Meteor Mic for my Surface RT tablet which is all I have on hand..
Only I didn't know which box it might be crammed in.
I knew I shouldn't of packed it.
Dig around, but can't find it.. no time..
Decide to come back and find it later..

Almost two weeks later receive email asking if I was going to do it, or should he get someone else?
Embarrassed, I had completely forgot..
So I quickly read the script into the tablets built-in microphone, afraid it was going to sound like crap.. It did, but it wasn't completely terrible, and was going to have to do. Then I immediately sent the file to him..

It’s perfect!  Thank you very much! J
If you could also email me any links you want me to place on the website and also a short blurb of what you want me to say about who you are and what you do, that would be great.
Also, if your offer still stands to get others to do a guest slate as well, that would be great. Please have them send me an email with the subject line being “Possible Stuph File Guest Slater” and I will follow through with similar instructions to them with the script and how to go about getting the slate to me.
Thanks again! J

A few more days pass...
And that brings it to now;
I introduce to you episode zero three nine zero:

 Download Holder-Stuph-File-Podcast-0390

Incidentally, I had actually provided him three links to mention, but he only mentioned my blog address. But that's alright, it rater kind of exciting being a part.

If you would like to do a guest slate on the Stuph File, just follow the contact instructions he outlined in his message above. Looking forward to hearing you!


  1. Thanks, Richard, you were great! And there wasn't any need to fuss over a mic. Any file from a smartphone or iPad is great. The only no-no is phone line quality, which is why I always ask for an audio file. Another way to go is via Skype where I record it on my end. Technology gives us options! :)

    Again, many thanks!

  2. It was a surprise and pleasure. Best to you, and thanks.



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