Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Showcase of new products favorites 1972

It's not uncommon that I browse through a lot of old radio-related magazines via the tremendous archives freely available located at https://www.americanradiohistory.com website. They have most any publications imaginable, but that link above takes directly to the "Elementary Electronics magazine" section. In the July 1972 issue it features a showcase of that years "New Products"; below are a couple screen-grabs from PDF of the article, which struck me as fun or notable ..
The record cleaner sable brush I had only put aside to compare it to what they might be using for new models - but I didn't get around to it. The 'Kite Antenna' reminds me of an emergency transmitter used during Vietnam that involved a balloon and wire. Anyway, it's just a kite with the suggestion on using it to hoist an attached antenna into the sky. Then you have the $25 part 15 AM or FM models transmitter. And lastly the toilet paper radio, which I think is a good idea, and would be close enough to listen in the shower as well!.. 
The summer of 1972..


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