Note: The following was originally posted Thursday, April 10, 2014 (see here for the original archived version), and additions have been included. The list shown below now reflects an updated version, current as of January 1, 2018..
NOUO stands for
Operation,. If you ever receive one of these as a Part 15 broadcaster, it will be because your install or power input is incorrect.. In other words, if you ever get one, it's because you were not following the rules..
Most NOUOs include the following information..
The Commission's records show that no license was issued for operation of a broadcast station on [frequency] at this location..
The only exception to this licensing requirement is for certain transmitters using or operating at a power level that complies with the standards established in Part 15 of the Commission's rules,.. ..the maximum permitted level of 15.0 uV/m at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) of the Rules (See 47 C.F.R. S15.209(a). Or the alternative method may be used; Section 15.219(b) of the Rules states "The total length of the transmission line, antenna, and ground lead (if used) shall not exceed 3 meters."
You can access records of everyone of them going back 10 years at the FCC website: ( I only went back looking three years )
There have been only 7 instances of the FCC shutting down supposed Part 15 AM broadcasters in the past 3 years [from Jan 1, 2011 to Jan. 17 2014]... Compare this to the estimate of 1,000's of FM broadcasters receiving NOUO's in the same time frame.
[[EDIT Jan. 1, 2018: The list below has been updated, with 3 more NOUO's which had occurred bringing it to a total of 10* NOUOs in the last 7 years]]
*See additional notes to the to the following NOUOs to explain the "total of 10
Basically, with Part 15 AM, there are only two factors you must adhere to:
1. Your antenna system can not exceed ten foot..
You can mount your transmitter with it's ten foot whip 50 foot in the air if you wanted too, and you'd be legal, but the problem is you can't attach a ground wire to your transmiitter, because that ground wire would in effect extend your antenna that additional 50 foot!
2. Your power input can not exceed 100mw
Below are shown every NOUO issued (in the last 3 years) to an AM broadcaster for being non-compliant with Part 15 rules and regulations. Every one of them was due to excessive antenna system.. Avoid making the same mistake and you'll be fine
These are edited down versions, click the respective links to read each document in its entirety..
so far in 2018
Zero so far in 2018
0 NOUO in 2017
From November 3, 2016
thru January 1, 2018,
No NOUO's were issued in the AM broadcast band,
1 NOUO in 2016
November 3, 2016
Chabad Lubavitch Hospitality Center
Eshel Hachnosas Orchim
Brooklyn, New York
Case Number: EB-FIELDNER-16-00022595
Document Number: W201732380003
On October 26, 2016, agents from this office confirmed by direction finding techniques that radio signals on frequency 1700 kHz were emanating from your building located at 272 Kingston Avenue, Brooklyn, New York... The Commissions' rules permit operation on any frequency between 525 kHz and 1705 kHz with a transmitter whose input power of the final RF stage of the transmitter does not exceed 100 mW. See Section 15.209.. If the transmitter does not comply with this requirement then the field strength of the signal on frequency 1700 kHz may not exceeded the 14.1uV/m at 30 meters. See Section 15.209 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 15.209. The station apparently did not comply with either of these requirements and thus is operating in violation of 47 U.S.C. § 301.
(Notice they mistakenly state 15.209 twice, yet still describing 15.219 though not mentioning the ground)
0 NOUO in 2015
From January 18, 2014
thru January 1, 2016,
No NOUO's were issued in the AM broadcast band,
3 NOUO in 2014
January 17, 2014
Leonid Lytvynchuk
Everett, Washington 98204
Case Number: EB-FIELDWR-14-00013037
Document Number: W201432980001
On December 13, 2013, agents from this office confirmed by direction finding techniques that radio signals on frequency 1710 kHz were emanating from your residence.. The field strength of the signal on frequency 1710 kHz exceeded the allowable unlicensed limit of 100 uV/m at 30 meters established in section 15.223(a)... as well as the general unlicensed limit of 30 uV/m at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a)...
October 9, 2014
Steven Cherry
Hamtramck, Michigan.
Case Number: -EB-FIELDNER-14-00013074
Document Number: W201532360001
The field strength of the signal on frequency 1610 kHz was measured at 30,000 microvolts per meter (uV/m) at 40.7 meters, which exceeded the maximum permitted level of 14.9 uV/m (24000/1610) at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) of the Rules. Another exception for some transmitters operating in the 510 kHz to 1705... The investigtion by this office determined that the ground lead itself was longer than 3 meters..
January 17, 2014
Leonid Lytvynchuk
Everett, Washington 98204
Case Number: EB-FIELDWR-14-00013037
Document Number: W201432980001
On December 13, 2013,
The field strength of the signal on frequency 1710 kHz exceeded the allowable unlicensed limit of 100 uV/m at 30 meters established in section 15.223(a) for operation on 1710 kHz, 47 C.F.R §§ 15.223(a), as well as the general unlicensed limit of 30 uV/m at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) for operation on 1710 kHz, 47 C.F.R § 15.209(a).
6 NOUO (not 7, see note) in 2013...

July 23, 2013
Luis Sanchez
Bronx, New York
Case Number: EB-FIELDNER-13-00010214
Document Number: W2013323800044
On July 18, 2008,
The field strength of the signal on frequency 1710 kHz was measured at 3,100 microvolts per meter (uV/m) at 474 meters, which exceeded the maximum permitted level of 30 uV/m at 30 meters for non-licensed devices set out in Section 15.209 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. S 15.209.
Note: This one strikes me rather odd.. The date of the NOUO is July 23 2013, but the filed report is from July 18, 2008...???.. I suppose it's just a mistype somehow.

June 4, 2013
Edwin & Teresita Ruiz
Oswego, Illinois
Case Number: EB-FIELDNER-13-00008449
Document Number: W201332320003
On May 2, 2013,
The field strength of the signal on frequency 1600 kHz was measured at 8400 microvolts per meter (uV/m ) at 89 meters, which exceeds the maximum permitted level of 15.0 uV/m at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) of the Rules (See 47 C.F.R. S15.209(a).
In addition,.. The source of the 1600 kHz signal is a vertical whip antenna approximately 3 meters long, mounted atop a 50 foot tower in the backyard of 416 Orchard Avenue. The total length of the antenna and transmission line exceeds the 3 meter restriction in Section 15.219(b) of the Rules. See 47 C.F.R. 15.219(b).

March 29, 2013
Sergey Kibitskiy
Everett, Washington
Case Numbers: EB-FIELDWR-13-00007506
Document Number: W201332980013
On March 22, 2013,
Your operation on frequency 1710 kHz was measured at 6,400 uV/m at approximately 251 meters. This exceeds the allowable unlicensed limit of 24000/1700(kHz) or 14.11 uV/m at 30 meters established in section 15.209(a) for operation on 1700 kHz, 47 C.F.R SS 15.209(a).

March 13, 2013
Peter Kozodoy
Mountlake Terrace, Washington 98043
Case Numbers: EB-FIELDWR-13-00007118
Document Number: W201332980012
On March 4, 2013,
Your operation on frequency 1710 kHz was measured at 6,100 uV/m at approximately 125 meters. This exceeds the allowable unlicensed limit of 100 uV/m at 30 meters established in section 15.223(a) for operation on 1710 kHz, 47 C.F.R SS 15.223(a), as well as the general unlicensed limit of 30 uV/m at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) for operation on 1710 kHz, 47 C.F.R SS 15.209(a).
???? - It's curious to note that in the above NOUO, there was no mention made of 15.219, which of course has no field strength limitations, and is a proper alternative method of transmitting Part 15 AM. Therefore, legally the above was clearly an improper enforcement since it lacked any presentation of evidence in the report showing 15.219 was also in violation.

March 13, 2013
Gerald Richard Gaule
Vancouver, Washington 98685
Case Numbers: EB-FIELDWR-13-00006961
Document Number: W201332920006
On February 26, 2013,
Your operation on frequency 1700 kHz was measured at 1,800 uV/m at approximately 175 meters. This exceeds the allowable unlicensed limit of 14.11 uV/m (24,000/1,700) at 30 meters established in section 15.209(a) for operation on 1700 kHz, see Section 47 C.F.R S 15.209(a).

March 13, 2013
Teal Pointe Apartments
Vancouver, Washington 98685
Case Number: EB-FIELDWR-12-00006961
Document Number: W201332920007
On February 26, 2013,
The operation on frequency 1,700 kHz was measured at 1,800 microvolts per meter (uV/m) at 175 meters. This exceeds the allowable unlicensed limit of 14.11 uV/m (24,000/1,700) at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) of the Commission's Rules. Thus, this station is operating in violation of 47 U.S.C. S 301
Note that the above two NOUOs are one in the same.. Teal Pointe Apartments are located at 10405 NE 9th, which is the same address of the Richard Gaul NOUO

February 27, 2013
Vladimir Kachinskiy
Mt Vernon, Washington 98273
Case Numbers: EB-FIELDWR-13-00006836
Document Number: W201332980007
On February 7, 2013,
Your operation on frequency 1710 kHz was measured at 6,000 uV/m at approximately 217 meters. This exceeds the allowable unlicensed limit of 100 uV/m at 30 meters established in section 15.223(a) for operation on 1710 kHz, 47 C.F.R SS 15.223(a), as well as the general unlicensed limit of 30 uV/m at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) for operation on 1710 kHz, 47 C.F.R SS 15.209(a).
2 NOUO in 2012

July 11, 2012
Desert Christian Schools
Lancaster, CA 93534
Case Number: EB-FIELDWR-12-00002784
Document Number: W201232900007
On June 13, 2012
The field strength of the signal on frequency 1610 kHz was measured at 2,060 microvolts per meter (uV/m) at 134 meters, which exceeded the maximum permitted level of 14.9 uV/m (24,000/1610) at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) of the Rules (see 47 C.F.R. S: 15.209(a)).
The investigation by this office determined that the ground lead was longer than the length of a 2-story tall building, thereby, increasing the total length of the transmission line, antenna, and ground lead well beyond 3 meters. This installation violated Section 15.219(b) of the Rules.

March 28, 2012
EPI Limited Partnership
Fullerton, CA
Case Number: EB-FIELDWR-12-00001143
Document Number: W201232900006
On January 30, 2012, agents from this office confirmed by direction finding techniques that radio signals on frequency 1680 kHz were emanating from the property at 1370 Brea Blvd., Suite 205, Fullerton, CA 92835. On February 29, 2012, the agents re-visited the above address and confirmed that the signals were still emanating from that location.
The field strength of the signal on frequency 1680 kHz was measured at 17,900 microvolts per meter (uV/m) at 60 meters, which exceeded the maximum permitted level of 14.3 uV/m 24000/1680) at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) of the Rules (see 47 C.F.R. S: 15.209(a)).
During their investigation on February 29, 2012, the agents determined that the ground lead was connected to a cable that ran down the length of the antenna tower, thereby, increasing the total length of the antenna, transmission line, and ground lead well beyond 3 meters. This installation violated Section 15.219(b) of the Rules. During that inspection, the agents observed that the ground lead at a point close to the street level had been cut, leaving the line at its original length, but not physically connected to the ground. This configuration will also violate Section 15.219(b) of the Rules as the total length of the antenna,transmission line, and the lead, attached to the transmitter, exceeded 3 meters.
4 (not 7) NOUO (see notes) in 2011

(a) August 19, 2011
Robert Mohamed
South Richmond Hill, NY
Case Number: EB-11-NY-0230
Document Number: W201132380006
On August 3, 2011,
Your operation on frequency 1620 kHz was measured at 900 microvolt per meter (uV/m) at 1132 meters. This exceeds the allowable unlicensed limit of 100 uV/m at 30 meters established in Section 15.223(a) for operation on 1620 kHz, 47 C.F.R. S: 15.223(a), as well as the general unlicensed limit of 30 uV/m at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) for operation on 1620 kHz. 47 C.F.R. S: 15.209(a).

(b) August 23, 2011
Robert Mohamed Corrected copy
South Richmond Hill, NY
Case Number: EB-11-NY-0230
Document Number: W201132380006
On August 3, 2011,
The field strength of the signal on frequency 1620 kHz was measured at 900 microvolts per meter (uV/m) at 1132 meters, which exceeded the maximum permitted level of 14.8 uV/m (24,000/1610) at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) of the Rules (see 47 C.F.R. S: 15.209(a)).
NOTES: The above two shown NOUOs (a) & (b) are actually the same NOUO, not two as it appears.
It is only a correction of the same report.

August 19, 2011
Willie Walton
Santa Clarita, California
Case Number: EB-11-LA-0092
Document Number: W201132900010
On August 11, 2011,
The field strength of the signal on frequency 1610 kHz was measured at 2,730 microvolts per meter (uV/m) at 145 meters, which exceeded the maximum permitted level of 14.9 uV/m (24,000/1610) at 30 meters established in Section 15.209(a) of the Rules (see 47 C.F.R. S: 15.209(a)).
The investigation by this office determined that the ground lead was connected to a cable that ran down the length of the antenna tower, thereby, increasing the total length of the antenna, transmission line, and ground lead well beyond 3 meters. This installation violated Section 15.219(b) of the Rules.

(c)July 5, 2011
Xeng Xiong
St. Paul, Minnesota
Case Number: EB-11-CG-0028
Document Number: W201132320008
On May 15, 2011,
the field strength of the signal on frequency 1650 kHz was measured at 550 microvolts per meter (uV/m ) at 353 meters, which exceeded the maximum permitted level of 14.5 uV/m (24,000/1650) at 30 meters established in section 15.209(a) of the Rules (See 47 C.F.R. S:15.209(a)).
During the inspection on May 15, 2011, the agent observed the station had five antennas mounted on the roof, each with a vertical whip approximately 3 meters long, and the ground leads totaled over 15 meters in length. This antenna installation violated section 15.219(b) of the Rules.

1620 and 1630AM
(d) July 5, 2011
Kou D. Her
St. Paul, Minnesota
Case Number: EB-11-CG-0129
Document Number: W201132320009
On May 16, 2011, an agent from this office confirmed by direction finding techniques that (1) radio signals on frequency 1620 kHz were emanating from 1146 Rice Street in St. Paul and (2) radio signals on frequency 1630 kHz were emanating from 399 East Maryland Avenue in St. Paul. .... The owners of the properties where these stations are located reported to the agent that they granted you permission to install transmitters at those locations.
The field strength of the signal on frequency 1620 kHz (1146 Rice Street) was measured at 470 microvolts per meter (uV/m ) at 1243 meters, which exceeded the maximum permitted level of 14.8 uV/m (24,000/1620) at 30 meters established in section 15.209(a) of the Rules (See 47 C.F.R. S:15.209(a)). Similarly, the field strength of the signal on 1630 kHz (399 East Maryland Avenue) was measured at 450 uV/m at 599 meters, which also exceeded the maximum permitted level of 14.7 uV/m at 30 meters.
During the inspection on May 16, 2011, the agent observed that the approximate length of the antenna, transmission line and the ground lead at 1146 Rice Street was approximately 26 meters.
Similarly, the ground lead at 399 East Maryland Avenue exceeded approximately 3 meters in length. These installations violated section 15.219(b) of the Rules.
NOTES: The two above violations involved what sounds to be clusters of transmitters on multiple roofs. Both (c) & (d) consist of three violations within 24 hours, in the same town and close proximity to each other, which indicates them to be a single group entity.. So for this reason these could be considered as just one NOUO, not two.

(e) May 5, 2011
Gregory C. Schuller, Sr.
Sadie M. Schuller
Arizona City, Arizona
Case Number: EB-10-SD-0217
Document Number: W201132940007
On April 21,
The field strength of the signal on frequency 1610 KHz was measured at 1,900 microvolts per meter (uV/m) at 130 meters, which exceeded the maximum permitted level of 14.9 uV/m
During the investigation on April 21, 2011, the agents observed that the approximate length of the antenna, transmission line and the ground lead was 8 meters. This installation violated Section 15.219(b) of the Rules.

(f) May 5, 2011
Audie Ray Morrow
Sandra Jean Morrow
Casa Grande, Arizona
Case Number: EB-11-SD-0086
Document Number: W201132940008
On April 21, 2011,
The field strength of the signal on frequency 1610 KHz was measured at 1,200 microvolts per meter (uV/m) at 430 meters, which exceeded the maximum permitted level of 14.9 uV/m (24,000/1610) at 30 meters established in Section 15.209 of the Rules (See 47 C.F.R. S:15.209(a)).
During the investigation on April 21, 2011, the agents observed that the approximate length of the antenna, transmission line and the ground lead was 10 meters. This installation violated Section 15.219(b) of the Rules.
NOTES: Casa Grande and Arizona city are only about 10 miles apart..add the facts that they both broadcast on the same frequency, and were both cited on the same day, one could easily conclude that they were also just one group working together to cover a larger area.. So again, these two can also be considered in essence a single NOUO.
So remember, being a part 15 broadcaster means following the part 15 rules and regulations...
EDIT: February 11, 2018 Addum..
I've never seen the following before!..
Evidently the
Low Power Radio Blog had posted a similar study from what turned out to be from 2002-2010. The following link provides a brief breakdown of the citation causes
I have took his findings and organized them in order, adding the dates and years of the agents visits so I could get a better idea of what I was looking at:
February 23, 2010
March 23, 2010
March 24, 2010
July 29, 2010
August 2, 2010
August 11, 2010
August 11, 2010
August 26, 2010
October 15, 2010
October 20, 2009
November 19, 2009
November 24, 2009
December 9, 2009
March 13, 2008
March 7, 2007
April 13, 2005
August 17, 2005
Repeated NOUOs in 2004
Numerous NOUO's in 2004 spanning June 15, 24, August 25, October 7, and October 28, utimately lead to a NAL
NAL 1710 AM in 2003:
January 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 18, 21, 29, 30 and February 27 2003
Another repeated offender from 2002-2004:
(Operating on both AM & FM)
October 7, 24, 25, and November 1,
May 20 , August 15,
March 22