(The Stuph Files is one of the free-to-air sources for part 15 stations featured in our listings at right).
It's not his regular type programming during this hour, he instead features a program his two sons had created (or was it his nephews?) , whichever... anyway, in his introduction I think he says they had produced and recorded it years prior, when they were very young.. they are obviously children announcing the songs.. but the point is they had done a really good job putting it all together, and it's an entertaining listen.
The Stuph Files, Episode #383: media.blubrry.com/stuphfile/www.peteranthonyholder.com/broadcast/Holder-Stuph-File-Podcast-0383.mp3
It is easy to visualize that you're you might actually be listening to the Peanuts gang with their own little radio station, at least that's the way it struck me, so I'm taking the liberty of calling this show "A Charlie Brown Part 15 Christmas" - Although I doubt that was the intention, Holder actually titles this episode as "The Meshach & Malik Christmas Show", but if you play this hour you'll understand why I say that.
I highly suggest you schedule this hour into your holiday broadcast each year.